
Antony Aumann - search results


To view a contributors bio, click Hsiang-Yun Chen Hsiang-Yun Chen is an assistant research fellow at The Institute of European and American Studies (IEAS) at Academia Sinica and works primarily...


Kierkegaard on Being Happy Again After You’ve Lost Everything

Risk is central to any meaningful life, according to Kierkegaard. If we want our lives to have significance, we must commit to projects that might fail or beliefs that might...

Kierkegaard’s Silence on Slavery

Kierkegaard never mentions slavery. Or almost never. The subject gets two pages in a corpus that spans thousands. This silence is surprising given how much Kierkegaard talks about freedom. For...

Antony Aumann

Antony Aumann is an associate professor of philosophy at Northern Michigan University. He is the author of Art and Selfhood: A Kierkegaardian Account and co-editor of New Kierkegaard Research. Tweet...

The Forefront of Research: Introducing the Journal of Philosophy of Emotion be a victim with respect to the vice of envy; by Ronald de Sousa’s article on the possibility of respecting those whom one holds with contempt; by Antony Aumann...

APA Member Interview: Antony Aumann

Antony Aumann is an associate professor at Northern Michigan University, and he’s also held positions at the Ohio State University and St. Olaf College. His research focuses on Kierkegaard and...